Monday, August 17, 2009


Here’s the part of this blog where I answer all of those “Frequently Asked Questions” regarding our move to Chicago. Hopefully I’ll cover them all with great aplomb.

Why are you moving?

This fall, M and I decided that it was time for him to go back to school in order to get his Masters of Public Policy. He spent most of November and December applying to schools (I believe the count was 13), never really expecting to get into all of the schools that he did. We had assumed we would stay here in Washington, DC and he would attend one of the great schools in the area, but when we found out that he had been accepted to the University of Chicago, our thoughts and feelings began to change. After talking with friends, family and M’s co-workers/superiors, as well as spending time in prayer, we decided to take the plunge and go with the University of Chicago’s program.

What are you going to be doing?

As of Monday, August 17th 2009, at 11:14am, I don’t have a job.

I take that back.

I have a part-time consulting job that will continue, but it’s only a few hours a month and, therefore, not enough to live on alone. I’ve had multiple interviews for multiple positions but still nothing. I’ve sent out approximately a bazillion emails to potential employers. No luck. I’ve applied for positions ranging from Coffee Maker to CEO, still nothing. Therefore, what I will be doing when we move to Chicago is….LOOKING FOR A JOB! We still feel very confident that we will be provided for, and I am beginning to see just how much this time of searching is refining me, humbling me and making me more dependent on the One who is my Provider. Don’t get me wrong here, though. I’ve raged. I’ve cried. I’ve thrown things (actually, I don’t think I have, but it seemed to fit with the other emotions). I’ve written letters to the President (you think I’m kidding…) I’ve felt depressed. I’ve felt that I somehow “deserve” a job. I’ve felt they must not understand how amazing I am. I’ve thought about contacting them and explaining to them why I’m so amazing. I’ve rethought why I think I’m amazing in the first place. I’m getting there.

Where will you be living?

Well, I’m sad to report that my letter to the Obamas has gone unreturned and so, therefore, we will not be renting out his house. Bummer. Instead, we’ll be renting an apartment on Hyde Park Boulevard (yes, we’ll be living on a BOULEVARD. How Parisian of us.) It’s a University Grad Student apartment, meaning all the other tenants are grad students as well. It’s a couple blocks from the church we think we’ll be attending, another couple blocks from the produce store I’m really excited about, and a quick bus ride for M to get to his classes.

What sports teams will you support?

M is extremely excited that the University of Chicago has a sucky football team (if they have one at all?) so we will continue to be Gators fans. Whew. That was a close one.
Additionally, seeing as how we will be living on the South Side, we’ll be official fans of the Chicago White Sox (and we think the Cubs are too popular already.) I know absolutely nothing about them, but hey, Go Team! We’ll also support Da Bears, simply because they are Da Bears. And we hope to go to Soldier Field in the middle of winter and watch a game. Because watching sports in -10 degree wind chill weather is apparently fun.

How long will you be in Chicago?

We don’t know for sure, but we hope to come back to Washington, DC once M graduates, which will be in two years. A lot can change between now and then, but as of right now, that’s what we’re thinking and feeling.

When are you going to have babies?

If I don’t find a job, I will seriously consider becoming a welfare mom. You have my word, and I’ll have your tax dollars.

When are you finally moving?

We pull out of DC on Sunday morning, August 30th. We’ll be stopping and staying with family in Columbus, OH, and arrive in Chicago on Monday, August 31st. Our last day at work here in DC is August 27th. You can come help us pack on Saturday, August 29th. No really. We would love to have you.

Are you excited? (Note, this is the most often-asked question that we receive)


YES, we’re excited. Admittedly, not having a job is a bit of a downer, but we’re excited for this new adventure, for new friends and for this great educational opportunity. Saying goodbye is never easy or fun, but we are certain this is what is right for us. Being so newly married, the thought of going off together where we’ve never been known as anything other than a husband and wife is really exciting. Neither of us could have done this alone, and that’s why we’re so thankful that in this perfect timing, we have each other to travel with, encourage and minister along side. I don’t think we could ask for more.

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