Friday, March 19, 2010

Hello, Cupcake

In the late summer of 2006, my office was having a small party for something or another. Though I am usually a big baker, for some reason (which I don't remember now), I bought cupcakes for our party at the grocery store. You know what I'm talking about, right? Those sometimes oddly-colored concoction that are half cake and half icing? And you start shaking after eating one because of all the sugar?

Yeah, one of those.

At the time, one of my co-workers, MG, took a cupcake up to her office, maybe to eat it later, maybe to look at it...I'm not sure why exactly. And there it sat.

And sat.

And sat.


Molding, right? Going through some process of decolorization, surely.


That's right. Nothing happened. Nothing. When I left in August 2009 (THREE YEARS LATER) the cupcake- while maybe slightly smaller- looked exactly the same. In fact, MG and I were just emailing today and she told me the cupcake remains, just as before. Like God, the cupcake never changes.

Mmmm. Go getcha one of those.


  1. YIKES! I'm thinking all the store-bought cupcakes I have eaten are still hanging out together in my stomach!! THAT would explain some things.

  2. I only kept it anonymous because I couldn't figure out how to post it any other way. It's early.

    Elizabeth Ward

  3. Oh my gosh, that is hilarious!
