Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Seasons

Like most of the country, Chicago is finally leaving behind it's cold, bitter winter and pressing ahead to the joys of spring. Granted, it's still in the 30s and I still have to scrape ice off my windshield in the morning, but it's actually RAINING right now instead of snowing. Woohoooo!

Yesterday, M and I took advantage of the 39 degree weather and trekked out to Promontory Point. It's a little point of land that jets out into Lake Michigan and gives you a beautiful view of the "Floating City." (I made that up. But seriously, doesn't it look like it's floating?)

I have to admit, Chicago- at least when it's sunny- is a beautiful city. The mix of architectural style actually adds to the feeling of diversity around the city. The streets are wide, there's a plethora of parks and the lake's sparkle adds to the city's beauty. I can only imagine it will be that much more beautiful in the coming months.

I can't help but think of the cycles of the liturgical year during these times of transition from one season to another. The winter has been a good time to think, proclaim and repent the darkness of the soul, and look forward to a risen Lord, exemplified by the new life of spring; and ultimately to look forward to the day when there is no longer winter...just the joyful, all-consuming beauty of spring.

Both literally and figuratively, I'm looking forward to the day when ALL of the snow is gone, I don't have to wear a heavy coat anymore, the skies are no longer sad and I can finally let my feet breathe in flip flops (ok, that last part might not be figurative). When the dreariness of winter passes into the hope and brightness of spring. Winter is no doubt good for the soul...if only to make us that much more thankful for spring.

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