Wednesday, January 19, 2011

An unexpected trip to Florida

Tomorrow morning- 6am to be exact- we head out to Pensacola to celebrate the life and mourn the passing of M's grandfather.

Pop has struggled with Alzheimer's for a while now; I remember meeting him just once a couple of years ago when he was still cognizant and living at home.  But M and family have shared quite a few stories with me, making his passing just a little bit more bittersweet.

And with his passing, I've been thinking a lot about his generation- The Greatest Generation- and all that they experienced.  Pop himself fought (and lost an arm) serving in Europe in World War Two.  He raised and loved four children and 4 grandchildren and worked hard all of his life.  And from what I gather, he was pretty darn funny, too.  The Greatest Generation strikes me as a generation who understood sacrifice, knew the realities of and importance of family and knew how to kick back and relax with a good beer.  They didn't need the internet, they didn't even need cell phones.  And while I know it's always popular to look back with a nostalgic glance that often doesn't see clearly, I can't help but think theirs was- and is- a generation to be respected and emulated.

1 comment:

  1. What a man. And yes, what a generation. That is a great picture, and I can see M in his face.

    Our love goes out to the family.
