Monday, February 21, 2011

The Coming Spring

On days like today, it's hard to not be discouraged by the continual gray of February.  Rain, sleet and snow seem to be nearly a daily companion, causing headache-inducing traffic, short tempers and angry mouths (or fingers).  I know that spring is around the corner, and yet sometimes I cannot see it for the dreariness that seems to surround the city.

And yet there is reason to hope.  New grass, a day of sunshine, temperatures that reach into the 50s.  Just little tastes of what is to come, a glimpse into the land of the living, a promise that the dead of winter is not a year-round reality.

We've had little glimpses of our own "spring" in the last few weeks.  A good meeting here, a positive conversation there, reconnection with old friends and the excitement of travel and relaxation soon.  All little encouragements of what is hopefully to come.

And so we will continue to watch and pray, looking for more positive signs of the coming spring.  And at the same time, I will continue to pray that I will treasure the winter for what it is good for- contemplation, reconnection, quiet.  Even in the dreariness of winter there is still purpose.  I don't want to miss what is here, now, because I can only think of what is to come.

There is purpose, even in winter.

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