Tuesday, March 20, 2012


This time last year, Mason and I were unsure what exactly we would be doing a few months down the road.  And by "unsure" I mean "completely stressed out and emotional because we had no idea what was going on."

But then God- because that's who I believe was at work- ended up leading not one but both of us to jobs that could not have been better fitted to us and, AND the city that we love.  About a year away from that time of stress, we are both able to look back now and see the clear hand of God in this move back to Capitol City.

And it reminds me: sometimes when you're in those deep moments of despair, when you just can't seem to figure out what the hell, I mean HECK, is going on, it's good to remember these times when you have been provided for.  And not just provided for, but blessed the freaking socks off of.  

That's a technical term.

I'm weary of the "health and wealth Gospel," as if God wants all His children to be multi-millionaires who never get hurt or sick or laid off or always get exactly what they want or...whatever.  But I also know that God is ultimately good, and that He often times works the most in my heart when I am petrified stiff, scared or unsure of what in the world is going on.  

And I'm thankful for that.

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