Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Big Week

We'll be spending Monday night through Sunday morning in DC.  It's a big trip.

M was recently selected as a Presidential Management Fellow, and this week is the three day job fair (hard to explain exactly how this works, but it's not just a normal job fair- people are actually interviewing you and hiring you, if not on the spot, then within a week or two.)  And since it overlaps nicely with Easter- when our favorite church has our favorite service (and it also happens to be M's birthday), I get to come along, too!

It's a big week.  The reality that we will be moving back to DC once M graduates is finally really sinking in...and I honestly can't hide my excitement.At the same time, there are a lot of unknowns- what exactly will M be doing?  What will I be doing, besides basking in the glow of being back in DC?  Where will we live?  How muggy and hot will it be this summer in DC?  You know, life-changing questions.

So if you're the praying type, we would definitely appreciate your prayers.  Not just for a safe trip, but for a successful trip.  That those positions M is most interested in would also be the most interested in him.  And that, ultimately, he would be able to use the skills and abilities he's been given to make our country a better place. (Cue cheesy, patriotic music. And a few waving flags.)



  1. I will be sorry to see you go so soon. Best wishes in DC and beyond. John M.
