Friday, April 17, 2009

And so it begins...

Ok, I'll admit it. I've always felt a little remorse over deleting my blog back in 2007. I know, I know, blogs are narcissistic and ridiculously trivial. But....!

There's something about sharing your thoughts and opinions on life with friends and family all over the world that makes you feel more connected, more insightful, more witty and more intelligent. I mean, blogging is the 21st century version of 18th century letter writing! I bet Abigail Adams would have had a blog, for instance ("I've always felt that a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting points of view he can entertain simultaneously on the same topic. On his blog.") and I'm certain that Thomas Jefferson would have had two or three (I'll leave it to your imagination as to what HE would have written about...).

Narcissism aside, it seems like our big adventure to become Hyde Park Heroes (ie, M to get his MPP at the University of Chicago and E to get a job) is the perfect time to pick up blogging again. And so here, reader, you'll find the following things:

1. Insights on leaving Washington, DC.
2. Plans, expectations and real-life adventures for, and in, Chicago.
3. Other cool things I come across like recipes, random pictures of me with famous people (read: Oprah) and such.
4. Let's be honest, mostly me talking about random things.

And so I give you Hyde Park Heroes. Check it frequently, read it often, and post only when you have glowing things to say about the author. I'm kidding. Sort of.


  1. oh yay. yet another way for me to procrastinate!

  2. I look forward to hearing more!

  3. a great intro into the blogging world! can't wait to read more...

  4. I'm trying to imagine what Thomas Jefferson would blog...

    "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to not blog."
