Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dancing King

On my way to and from work, I quite often see a man that I just HAVE to tell you about.

On first glance, he looks like a crossing guard. I think he has a badge and a hat and maybe a neon vest? Now that I think about, I'm not sure exactly what makes me think he's a crossing guard. Maybe it's that he's standing on the corner with a whistle.

Except...he's whistling a beat. Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! And he's not waving cars by. He's dancing. Like full on "elbows move down towards hips and hips thrust outward" (also known as "humping the air") to the beat of his own whistle. Sometimes he changes it up, turns around and does the butt pump instead. I have no idea who this man is, or where he comes from. But man, does he make me smile.

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