Saturday, April 10, 2010

Things I Wish it was Still Appropriate for Me to Do

Sidenote: I think I've been into lists lately.

Confession: I'm now 28. And at 28, some things just aren't appropriate to do anymore. I know, I know, "fight the man," "do what you want to do" blah blah blah. But let's be honest. If you saw me doing some of these things, you would totally judge me. Totally.

Here's a partial list I've come up with of things that I would love to still do but feel like I probably shouldn't because I'm supposed to be an adult now.

1. Take naps in the middle of the day.
2. Blow huge bubbles with my bubble gum (which, OF COURSE would be the really fruity, sugary type)
3. Watch cartoons on Saturday morning (though I HAVE watched them while working out)
4. Skip.
5. Wear adorably cute, frilly dresses. (Hey mom, maybe you could smock another one for me!)
6. Eat gummy fruit snacks with my lunch every day.
7. Stick my tongue out at people when I'm mad at them.
8. Throw myself on the floor when I'm mad (I'm not sure I ever did this, but it appeals to an emotional person such as myself)
9. Wear one of those really cute blow-up inner-tubes that has an animal's head on it. When I go to the pool and the beach. Not just around.
10. G0 to the local pool and go down the water slide.
11. Play in the sprinklers.
12. Have an Easter egg hunt.
13. Finger paint.
14. Sleep with my Tigger stuffed animal.
15. Sell lemonade and rice krispy treats and cookies outside for a profit. Without a license.

The good news is that, one day when we have children, many of these things will suddenly become appropriate for me to do again (maybe not #8, but I'll let you know). I think I will SO be that mom who is more into playing in the sprinklers than her children are.

And I'm ok with that.


  1. I just went in to check on Tigger and he wasn't there and neither was Donald Duck. I'm hoping they are with you.
    I don't understand why you can't blow giant bubbles with you gum. Dad still does!
    I'll get busy on that smocked dress right away!!
    Finally, one of my favorite pictures of you is when you climbed up on the desk and couldn't get down. You decided to throw a fit on top of the desk!
    Good Memories!!

  2. Re: #14 - you can totally have an Easter egg hunt! Some friends hosted one at their house last year and it was a lot of fun. We followed it up with a champagne brunch to make it more grown-up :)
