Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We've Arrived

As of 2 pm on Monday, August 31st, we officially became Hyde Park Heroes.

The trip was incredibly smooth and easy (minus a little mishap in which the rental truck keys were locked in the rental truck as it was running. Thankfully my aunt has AAA!), and we only got lost once. Unfortunately for us, it was in Gary, Indiana. Not the brightest spot in the area.

I'll write more later, including a fun game of "Guess the State" from a selection of pictures taken on the journey. But for now I'll leave you with this: we love our new apartment, we love our new little neighborhood, and Mason almost sort of loves math camp. No, seriously. And avocados at the local produce store cost 69 cents each. YES I SAID 69 CENTS. And a red pepper? Oh, it's only $1.50 a POUND. A POUND!!!! That's practically free.

Stay tuned. More to come later today or tomorrow.


  1. wow, I'd eat only avocados for a week. congrats on getting there!

  2. HOLY MOLY 69 cents!!! That is awesome.

    Glad the trip went smoothly, can't wait to hear more.

  3. Hey Liz! I love reading your blog as it shows up on my gchat :-)

    My friend James Kraehenbuel just moved to Chicago as well for law school, will be attending the university, and is living in Hyde Park in graduate housing...

    Ya'll should look out for him if you come across the name!

  4. Update: the peppers (orange, red and/or yellow) are now NINETY NINE CENTS A POUND. Um, yes please.
