Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Round-Up

Praise the Lord, it's Friday! Here's what happened this week.

1. I somehow pushed the cork of our wine bottle INTO the bottle, instead of pulling it out. What can I say? I can do amazing things. I also sprayed red wine all over my white shirt in the process. Awesome!!

2. I drank 20 full glasses of water at work over the course of the week.
3. It snowed. Again.
4. It was butt cold. Again.
5. I finally got a new pair of jeans that look halfway decent.
6. I learned who invented the stoplight. (Thank you, Breakthrough youth Black History Month celebration!)
7. I made an awesome PowerPoint.
8. I successfully kept myself from mindlessly watching TV. We did watch Lost, but that's not mindless. AND, Lost (and new episodes of The Office) are part of our Lenten agreement with God.
9. I purchased our tickets to DC for Easter.
10. I arrived EARLY to work 3 days.
11. I almost ran out of gas twice.
12. I brought my lunch to work 4 out of 5 days. And the other day doesn't count because we were celebrating all the February birthdays.
13. I added 30 people on my LinkedIn profile in an office competition. And I would just like to say that what should matter is how many you have, not how many you can acquire in two weeks. I'm just saying.
14. I did the "2:30 Candy Dance" around the office. Don't ask. It's sorta scary. And there might be children watching.
15. Umm...probably lots of other stuff but those are the standouts.

Ok, so when I list it out like that, it doesn't really amount to much, does it? But hey, it's the small victories, right? RIGHT?!

Have a great weekend!

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