Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Did I mention the toilet paper?

I didn't? Well let me tell you.

The last night of our vacation (Friday), we went out as a family (all 18 of us...that's the extended family, by the way. We are NOT the Duggars. We're much cuter. And older.) for my grandmother's 80th birthday celebration. My parents have been going to Destin since before I was a twinkle in anybody's eye, and there's this one restaurant, Captain Dave's, that we always seem to go to. So Captain Dave's it was for Grandma's birthday!

Earlier that day, M and I had taken a break from the beach and braved the horror that is an outlet mall. Yes, we did it. Granted, we lasted about an hour and a half and only went into 4 different stores, but we did it all the same. M got a shirt for free (I LOVE GIFT CARDS!), I got two great skirts, and this fantastic, and I mean FANTASTIC long, white summer dress. It was originally over $200 but I got it for $50!! Woohooo! That's practically like spending no money, when you get it that cheap, right? (Note: Apparently American Express does not agree with this reasoning.)

ANYWAY, since it was a special occassion, I put on my beautiful white dress, put on make-up (who wears make-up when they're at the beach?) and left my hair wavy. Oh, did I mention I also had new gold flip-flops? Because I wore those, too. M told me I looked beautiful, and I would post a picture here, except I don't have my camera by me right now. All this to say, I was feeling great, feeling pretty and feeling loved. And was about to spend some great time with much of the family.

The majority of dinner went well. The food was good, the conversation was great, the wine was free (thanks Jared!) and the view was amazing. Actually, we saw a wedding taking place as we ate dinner. They had interesting paper palm trees as decoration. If it were me, I would probably just stick with the "decoration" of the gorgeous ocean. But I digress.

After we finished up dinner, I headed to the bathroom because, well, because...why do you think people go to the bathroom? Geez. After washing my hands (WHO DOESN'T DO THAT? It's so gross when you hear the toilet flush but then don't hear the sink water come on. Blech.) I headed back to the table, a lazy grin on my face as my body processed my food and wine. A couple people looked up at me and smiled and I thought, "wow, I must really look nice in this dress."

And then, as I sat down, I realized.

I had a three-foot long train of toilet paper stuck to my golden flip-flop.


  1. It's even better that you had on a golden flip-flop...

  2. at least it wasn't hanging out of your dress! :)

  3. Captin D's must be a big deal in Destin.

  4. phew! I thought it was going to be much worse than that. Still: how to gracefully remove 3 feet of toilet paper from a gold flip-flop.

    (stumbled here and had fun reading back through. good stuff)
